Red Madonna Celebratrix




Dear Ones,

I am so excited to be opening the doors on a new cycle of Red Madonna, our 12th year! This year, our theme is Celebratrix: She who is a celebrant in relationship with her guiding Guardian Angel, She who is a storyteller of Life and protector of the Sacred, She who co-creates with Creation and lives life in Ceremony. Doors open on April 25,  and we are starting powerfully with an exciting opening livestream on April 26-27. For the first time, Shiloh Sophia McCloud and I will be working on TWO paintings- one welcoming our Guardian Angel with wonderful spiritual teachings and  painting instruction on painting angel wings with gold leaf, and the other welcoming our Celebratrix, bringing ceremony and celebration to our canvas and our work in the world. With the energies of “as above, so below”, we will connect with the angelic of the cosmos and the angelic of the mycelium.

We will continue to work on these two paintings in dialogue throughout 13 Moons.

For more information and to register, please go to CELEBRATRIX.






Red Madonna is the spiritual home of Intentional Creativity. We are open to all spiritual traditions and personal spiritual beliefs, coming together in a safe, loving and supportive sisterhood. Each year of Red Madonna has been an amazing spiritual journey. This year, dancing with Cosmos and Earth in conversation will, I think, be truly magical in the best of ways.

For more information and registration, please go to CELEBRATRIX.

If you have any questions, please contact me at

I hope to share a wonderful 13 moons of painting, writing, prayer and living ceremony together!

Much love, Havi


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