Soul Scribbling Safari
Soul Scribbling Safari: The Muse Made Me Do It

Tree Dialogue
Intentional Creativity ® invites the syncopated dance of muse and editor, right and left brain, image and word, wholeness and detail into a splashy, playful, colors-flying dialogue that sources your inner brilliance and kicks your ass into THE MUSE MADE ME DO IT high gear.
Whatever you have been contemplating, whatever visions have been stalking you, whatever inquiries are rattling inside like that song that won’t stop playing in your head, bring them to your canvas, tell them to “get inside your belly” (aka painting) and see what the colors, shapes and words reveal.
We will be actively exploring and safari-ing into that THING ® that has been beating mightily on your inner door, bringing it alive in the vast and glorious jungle of your canvas in symbols, colors, words, questions, finger splashes, debates… scribbling freely and wildly until the Portal of Possibility in the Painting jettisons that THING ® from inside out and your badass Muse can get the sparks flying, the elements humming, and magic created. The more mayhem, movement, and playful hell-if-I-know-what-is-going-on attitude the better. You can keep your image free and flowing or polish it into a more “finished” work of art. Either way, expect surprises, new energy, and a whole new appreciation of You, oh Gifted and Multidimensional Being.
There will be visioning, painting, writing, scribbling, moving, munching (there will be small munchies and a lunch break), playing, laughing and connecting. No artistic experience required, just comfy clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on and radical curiosity. Contact Havi at for more information
Wanna play? Please register by July 17, 2019
Sunday, July 21, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Growthspring Healing & Creative Arts, 900 E. Karen Ave, Suite A-116, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Soul Scribbling Safari $100.00