Havi Mandell
My deepest desire is to inspire others to embrace life and be embraced by life.
As an artist, I seek out the sparks that awaken my soul, expressing an essence that is the interweaving of my inner world dancing with the outer world.
Painting is my prayer, my celebration of embodied spirit engaged in life.
I need to move when I paint, to dance my fingers into the paints and over the canvas, to be filled with the joy of this treasure hunt into my soul’s expression and the ongoing creation and re-creation of my life.
La Philosophe
When I was very young, my family called me “la philosophe” (the philosopher), because I have always been a deep see diver...a visionary and empath seeking to illuminate essences. I have always loved the kabbalistic stories of Divine Shards created when Divine Light poured in to create the world. The Light was so immense that it shattered the receiving vessels, and our role is to reveal these hidden sacred sparks in those shards that fill creation through acts of loving-kindness and service to the Divine. My art and healing work are my service and flow from my heart.

I am a WTF (Wildness, Truth and Freedom) artist; liberating the wild truth and essence of an experience or expression of my soul into my paintings as energetic containers, sacred portals into a deeper, wilder dance of spirit.
My map is the Tree of Life, my compass is my heart, my process is intentional creativity® and inspired painting.

Our wounds are the seeds for healing
As a child of Holocaust survivors, I believe that within our wounds are the seeds for healing. For me, the heart-wrenching awareness of destructive ugliness brought out my soul’s longing for beauty.
My path of healing has been through painting. I love to dance my fingers and brushes over my cosmic canvas to reveal and celebrate the sacredness hidden in the mundane, the Beauty in the brokenness.
I paint to free wildness and truth and invite them to shine and grow as a kaleidoscopically blossoming adventure.